
Watch Voyoucratie (2018) Movies 123Movies 720p Streaming Online

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Movie details

Title: Voyoucratie
Released: 2018-01-31
Genre: Thriller
Director: Sofia Coppola
Date: 2018-01-31
Runtime: 84 Minutes
Homepage: Homepage Movie
Trailer: Video Trailer

Casts of Voyoucratie:

Salim Kechiouche, Abel Jafri, Hichem Yacoubi, Jo Prestia, Azedine Kasri, Hedi Bouchenafa, Pierre Abbou, Adrien Vannec, Elsa Madeleine, Steve Tientcheu, Christophe Perez, Ange Basterga, Margot Lourdet, Noël Sorrente, Jonas Dinal, Mechrafi Akim, David Decraene, Elsa Madeleine, Meriem Serbah,


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Narrative Voyoucratie (2018):
Voyoucratie is FGKO’s new film project. It’s a dramatic fiction about a young gangster’s chaotic path into life crushed by a criminal universe that he can’t escape from. It’s also about a frozen portrait of a youth trapped by a system that leads you to delinquency as the only way to exist. The pitch: Sam, a little bandit, finds himself trapped by a corrupted police officer who forces him to get information about Ali, one of the high crime boss known to be very dangerous.

Rating: 5.7 out of 10 ★ From 14 Users

Learn More About Voyoucratie
Directed by Fabrice Garçon, Kévin Ossona. With Salim Kechiouche, Abel Jafri, Hichem Yacoubi, Jo Prestia. Sam, a thug, is out of jail. He's having a go at a crime free new life. He attempts to get closer to his estranged kid and tries his faulting best to maintain a glimmer of hope within an inner city existence.

Directed by Fabrice Garçon, Kévin Ossona. With Salim Kechiouche, Abel Jafri, Hichem Yacoubi, Jo Prestia. Sam, a thug, is out of jail. He's having a go at a crime free new life. He attempts to get closer to his estranged kid and tries his faulting best to maintain a glimmer of hope within an inner city existence.

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English Translation of “voyoucratie”

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